Getting started

Important notes

Some methods are static and can be called without creating an object. For example:

var result = Module.CryptoCore<SomeClass>.<someStaticMethod>();

Other methods are members of objects of certain classes. So at first you have to create an object of certain class and then to call its methods. In fact, in this library almost always objects are created by some factory method, e.g.:

var myObject = Module.CryptoCore<SomeClass>.<someFactoryMethod>();
var result = myObject.<someMethod>();

All methods return a result object that always has two important fields - error and data:

  • result.error - if exists, it contains an exception;

  • - contains result data.

You can check for errors in the following way:

   function GetRes(aRs)
      if (aRs.error)
         throw aRs.error;
      if (
      throw 'Unknown result value: ' + JSON.stringify(aRs);


The methods never throw exceptions related to the logic of the library. But the system exceptions can be thrown nonetheless!

The arguments to the methods, which are essentially integers, are passed as string values. The reason is that JavaScript cannot work with Big Integers.

Typical usage

First of all you have to include corresponding JavaScript file into your HTML page:

<script src="CryptoCoreWasm.js"></script>

Mnemonic phrase generation

   function NewMnemonicPhrase()
      var mnemonic_phrase = GetRes(Module.CryptoCoreWallet.new_mnemonic_pharase());
      console.log("New mnemonic phrase: '" + mnemonic_phrase + "'");

Import mnemonic phrase

   function ImportMnemonicPhrase()
      // Mnemonic phrase from previous example
      var mnemonic = mnemonic_phrase;
      var password = ""; // optional
      console.log("HD mnemonic phrase '" + mnemonic + "', password = '" + password + "'");

      // New wallet
      if (!window.crypto_core_wallet)
         console.log("Creating a new wallet");
         window.crypto_core_wallet = GetRes(Module.CryptoCoreWallet.new_wallet());

      // New HD Group from mnemonic phrase (we can add multiple HD groups, each will have unique ID)
      console.log("Creating a new HD group...");
      window.crypto_core_hdGroupId = GetRes(window.crypto_core_wallet.add_hd_group(mnemonic, password));
      console.log("New HD group ID = " + window.crypto_core_hdGroupId);

      // New HD Address from HD group
      console.log("Creating a new HD Addreess from HD Group...");
      var hdAddr = GetRes(window.crypto_core_wallet.generate_next_hd_address(window.crypto_core_hdGroupId));
      var addrStrHex = GetRes(hdAddr.address());
      console.log("New address: " + "0x" + addrStrHex);

Transaction signature

   function SignTransaction()
      // We will assume that the required data is contained in the corresponding fields of the web form
      var addressStrHex = document.getElementById("hd_address_source").value;
      console.log("Get HD Address from wallet by Address ...");
      var hdAddr = GetRes(window.crypto_core_wallet.find_address(addressStrHex));

      console.log("New transaction...");

      var d = new Date();

      var network   = document.getElementById("transaction_network_source").value;
      var type      = document.getElementById("transaction_type_source").value;
      var to        = document.getElementById("transaction_to_source").value;
      var value     = document.getElementById("transaction_value_source").value;
      var fee       = document.getElementById("transaction_fee_source").value;
      var nonce     = document.getElementById("transaction_nonce_source").value;
      var data      = document.getElementById("transaction_data_source").value;
      var gas       = document.getElementById("transaction_gas_source").value;
      var gas_price = document.getElementById("transaction_gas_price_source").value;

      // Network type
      var network_type = Module.CryptoCoreNetworkType.TESTNET;
      if (network == "MAINNET") network_type = Module.CryptoCoreNetworkType.MAINNET;
      else network_type = Module.CryptoCoreNetworkType.TESTNET;

      // Transaction type
      var transaction_type = Module.CryptoCoreTransactionType.COINBASE;
      if (type == "TRANSFER") transaction_type = Module.CryptoCoreTransactionType.TRANSFER;
      else if (type == "DELEGATE") transaction_type = Module.CryptoCoreTransactionType.DELEGATE;
      else if (type == "VOTE") transaction_type = Module.CryptoCoreTransactionType.VOTE;
      else if (type == "UNVOTE") transaction_type = Module.CryptoCoreTransactionType.UNVOTE;
      else if (type == "CREATE") transaction_type = Module.CryptoCoreTransactionType.CREATE;
      else if (type == "CALL") transaction_type = Module.CryptoCoreTransactionType.CALL;

      var transaction = GetRes(Module.CryptoCoreTransaction.new_transaction(

      console.log("Sign transaction...");
      var transaction_sign = GetRes(hdAddr.sign_transaction(transaction));

      var transaction_hash = GetRes(transaction_sign.hash());
      console.log("Transaction hash '" + transaction_hash + "'");

      var transaction_sign_hex_encoded = GetRes(transaction_sign.encode());
      console.log("Transaction sign hex str '" + transaction_sign_hex_encoded + "'");