Terms and Definitions


The WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a software technology that allows you to use code written in C++ in the JavaScript environment.


A wallet is software that stores a set of key pairs of asymmetric cryptography and allows you to perform transaction signing operations using them.

HD Group

An Hierarchical Deterministic wallet is a wallet that allows deriving hierarchical chains of key pairs from the initial master seed in a deterministic way.

HD Wallet

The wallet that consists of several HD Groups.

HD Account

An HD Account is a very specific intermediate node in the hierarchy of an HD Group (defined by BIP-044 specification), from which all other key pairs are derived.


The term Address here means an object of the Addr() class, which is essentially a key pair.

HD Address

An HD Address is one of the Addresses in the HD Group hierarchy.

non-HD Address

It is single Address not associated with the HD Group. It can be obtained by importing a private key or random generation.


This library can simultaneously work with several non-HD addresses, and also with several HD Groups.

Mnemonic phrase

Mnemonic phrase (or mnemonic sentence) - is a group of easy to remember words (space separated) for the determinate generation of the master seed (and, accordingly, HD Account) for certain HD Group in HD Wallet.

A mnemonic code or sentence is superior for human interaction compared to the handling of raw binary or hexadecimal representations of a wallet master seed. The sentence could be written on paper or spoken over the telephone.


Aka “Hex address” or “Recipient address”. It’s a hexadecimal string that is the “official address” of some wallet to which you can, for example, transfer a certain amount of cryptocurrency.